Bem-vind@s à minha página! Sou ornitóloga, mestre em Diversidade e Evolução e doutora em Zoologia. Meus principais interesses em pesquisa são ligados à biologia, sistemática e evolução de aves, em especial dos chamados andorinhões (swifts e swiftlets em inglês). Também tenho interesse em conservação, taxonomia, evolução, biologia molecular e biogeografia de aves. Algumas de minhas publicações, blogs de expedições e fotos estão disponíveis aqui.
Welcome to my website! I am an ornithologist, MSc. in Evolution and Diversity & PhD. in Zoology. My main research interests are the biology, systematics, and ecology of birds, especially swifts and swiftlets. I’m also interested in conservation, taxonomy, evolution, molecular biology, and biogeography. Some of my publications, expedition blogs, and personal photos are available here.
Biancalana RN, Zampaulo RA, Costa JCR. First record of the Tepui Swift (Streptoprocne phelpsi) breeding in Mount Roraima, Venezuela. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, accepted October 1, 2021.
Luna LW, Dias C, Pichorim M, Leandro-Silva V, Biancalana RN, Silva WAG, Araripe J, Rêgo PS. 2022. Historical climate change as driver of population range expansion and differentiation in a rare and partially migratory Neotropical bird. Journal of Ornithology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-021-01948-z
Biancalana RN, Amaral FR, Biondo C. 2019. Novel microsatellites for Cypseloides fumigatus, cross-amplifiable in Streptoprocne zonaris. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 27: 207-211.
Dutra DA, Tolesano-Pascoli G, Garcia FI, Biancalana R, Braga EM. 2019. First record of hemosporidian parasites infecting swifts (Aves: Apodidae). Acta Tropica 197: 105070.
Biancalana RN. 2018. Nesting association of swifts (Apodidae) and wasps in Brazil. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130: 992-996.
Biancalana RN, Biondo C & Amaral FR. 2017. The mitochondrial genome of the Sooty Swift (Cypseloides fumigatus). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2: 198-200.
Biancalana RN & Magalhães A. 2016. First record of the White-chinned Swift Cypseloides cryptus in the state of Acre, Brazil, with notes on its breeding biology. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 24: 90-93.
Biancalana RN. 2015. First documented record of the White-collared Swift Streptoprocne zonaris in the state of Acre with notes on its breeding biology. Atualidades Ornitológicas 184: 21.
Biancalana RN. 2015. Breeding biology of the Sooty Swift Cypseloides fumigatus in São Paulo, Brazil. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127: 402-410.
Brito GRR, Figueira DM, Neto NB, Firme DH, Biancalana RN, Assis CP, Araujo GG, Crozariol MA, Frickes GR, Parrini R, Ruschi PA, Raposo MA. 2015. Diet and breeding of the poorly known White-chinned Swift Cypseloides cryptus J. T. Zimmer, 1945, in Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 23: 398-404
Biancalana RN. 2014. Breeding biology of the White-collared Swift Streptoprocne zonaris in southeastern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 22: 339-344.
Biancalana RN. 2014. Primeiro registro documentado do andorinhão-estofador Panyptila cayennensis para o estado de Roraima, Brasil. Atualidades Ornitológicas 180: 21.
Biancalana RN, Nogueira W, Bessa R, Pioli D, Albano C, Lees AC. 2012. Range extensions and breeding biology observations of the Sooty Swift (Cypseloides fumigatus) in the states of Bahia, Goiás, Minas Gerais and Tocantins. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 20: 87-92.
2017 – Serra do Divisor National Park, Acre, Brazil

2016 – Jalapão, Tocantins, Brazil

2012 – 2017 – Intervales State Park, São Paulo, Brazil